It is right now 1 a.m. and I am in the bus, on the way back home from a whirlwind trip of sorts to Hyderabad. There are people snoring all around me but being the insomniac that I am (and given the fact that I hardly get any sleep while travelling in overnight buses), I am wide awake, hearing songs on my dear cell phone (hurrah for technology!). The fact that the bus I am in has a charging port that actually works for a change is only inspiring my sleeplessness. So I finally thought I would jot down a few lines in my blog after what seems like ages. I love going on trips and visiting new places. Sadly, though, working in an industry that gives you just a one weekly off and not many holidays doesn't really give me the opportunity to travel often. This time, however, I was determined to make some time for myself for a change. I finally picked up the courage and got leave for two days; adding in a Sunday meant I'd have a three day trip (yayyy)! The next question was, whe...