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Showing posts from February, 2019

Success and Failure

SUCCESS AND FAILURE There are certain times In each of our lives When anything we venture into Just disappears into the blue; When all our sweat and toil Is simply destined to be foiled; When even our best endeavour Is acknowledged by none whomsoever. It hurts to not be appreciated; It hurts to have our aspirations deflated; To see people ignore your virtues And jump at the slightest excuse To point out our imperfection; To leave us in utter dejection; The look of defeat in our eyes Brings an apparent glow in theirs. We learn the hard way That effort is never lauded; Only success is of significance No matter how that success has been achieved; This world is not a place for a dreamer Or so it seems to me; It is for the ruthless competitor; Someone I don't think I can ever be. -Leslin Sushma D'souza