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Kasab Found Guilty--FINALLY!!!!

I happened to read in a news website today, "Ajmal Kasab found guilty on all charges." Reading this article made me wonder whether I should be relieved about this or feel ashamed about our Indian government. Our "great" Indian government took nearly one and a half year to prove guilty a terrorist who has been clearly captured on video mercilessly butchering innocent civilians; a terrorist, who, the whole world knows, is guilty. Shouldn't we really feel proud to be living in a country with such a remarkable judiciary system?

Well, on a positive note, we can at least be glad that Kasab has been found guilty and not actually acquitted of his charges!! The way this trial was going on really made me think of such a possibility!! How can anyone even imagine that the term "innocent until proven guilty" even applies to such a cold-blooded terrorist? The 26/11 attacks were not just attacks on India; they were attacks on humanity. In my opinion, a person who commits such a heinous crime and does not even feel an ounce of remorse for it, should suffer a terrible punishment; he should pay not just for his doings but for that of the other terrorists as well. Yet, he was subjected to a "Fair" trial, provided with two lawyers, and he even actually announced that he was innocent!! What's more, thanks to our dear Indian government, Kasab now enjoys celebrity status, even having his profile on Wikipedia!!

As I said, at least we can be glad that Kasab has been finally proven guilty; although it may be too little too late, at least the judiciary system has done that little bit. We can only hope that he is awarded a sentence fit for the crime he and his accomplices committed; although it is a known fact that no amount of punishment can be enough for such a crime committed on humanity, at least it will be some solace for the numerous families who lost so many loved ones in the 26/11 terror attacks.


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